Answers to Puzzles: 2021 - No 1.
January - March |
Use the buttons below to navigate to the puzzle answer. |
Guard Your Heart Colour
Damaging Drugs Maths- Unscramble - Match |
Heart Damage Effects |
Protect Our Environment Maze |
Mahatma Gandhi Circle Quote |
Animal Dot-to-Dot |
Animal Coded Message |
Climate Change Find-a-Word |
Guard Your Heart Colour |
Just colour the picture
Damaging Drugs: Maths-Unscramble-Match |
Bonus answers in pink
Heart Damage Effects |
Bonus answers in pink
Protect Our Environment Maze |
23 ways to protect the enrironment:
Turn off TV when no one is present in the room |
Set air-conditioner to 25 degrees in summer |
Put an aerator on taps to use less water |
Only buy the food you can use and store so you don't waster food. |
Separate your garbage and recycling and compost vegetable matter. |
Reuse shower water on gardens |
Replace tap washers - no dripping taps |
Have a dual flush on toilet cistern |
Redesign your clothes, or pass on to someone else to use or send to an Op-shop |
Turn switches to appliances off (radio, lights, TV, computers) when not in use |
Make sure home is insulated and no drafts around windows. |
Use LED lights |
Limit printing and paper use. Shred waste paper and use in garden or compost. |
Use safe organic cleaning products |
Reduce fossil fuel and use an electric car |
Use water based paints |
Avoid the use of harmful chemicals and sprays |
Ride a bike or walk instead of using fuel for a car. Car pool if necessary |
Compost or use worm farm to create good fertiliser for garden |
Look after bees and helpful insects - this insures good fruit production |
Grow a vegetable garden |
Plant trees to increase absorption of CO2 |
Mahatma Gandhi Circle Quote |
Animal Dot-to-Dot |
Animal Coded Message |
Climate Change Find-a-Word |
Last updated:
Sunday, February 14, 2021