Answers to Puzzles: 2021 - No 1.

January - March

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Puzzle 1

Guard Your Heart Colour

Puzzle 2

Damaging Drugs
Maths- Unscramble - Match

Puzzle 3

Heart Damage Effects

Puzzle 4

Protect Our Environment
Puzzle 5
Mahatma Gandhi
Circle Quote
Puzzle 6
Puzzle 7
Coded Message
Puzzle 8
Climate Change

Guard Your Heart Colour

Just colour the picture

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Damaging Drugs: Maths-Unscramble-Match

drug answers

Bonus answers in pink

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Heart Damage Effects

damage answers

Bonus answers in pink

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Protect Our Environment Maze

maze route

23 ways to protect the enrironment:

Turn off TV when no one is present in the room Set air-conditioner to 25 degrees in summer  
Put an aerator on taps to use less water Only buy the food you can use and store so you don't waster food. Separate your garbage and recycling and compost vegetable matter.
Reuse shower water on gardens Replace tap washers - no dripping taps Have a dual flush on toilet cistern
Redesign your clothes, or pass on to someone else to use or send to an Op-shop Turn switches to appliances off (radio, lights, TV, computers) when not in use Make sure home is insulated and no drafts around windows.
Use LED lights Limit printing and paper use. Shred waste paper and use in garden or compost.  
Use safe organic cleaning products Reduce fossil fuel and use an electric car Use water based paints
Avoid the use of harmful chemicals and sprays Ride a bike or walk instead of using fuel for a car. Car pool if necessary Compost or use worm farm to create good fertiliser for garden
Look after bees and helpful insects - this insures good fruit production Grow a vegetable garden Plant trees to increase absorption of CO2

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Mahatma Gandhi Circle Quote

gandhi quote

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Animal Dot-to-Dot


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Animal Coded Message

animal message

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Climate Change Find-a-Word

wordfind solution

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Last updated: Sunday, February 14, 2021