Answers to Puzzles: 2020 - No 1.
January - March |
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Smoke in Our Eyes Coded Message
Vaping or Juuling |
Bushfire Disaster Dot to Dot |
Making Friends Maze |
Smoke in Our Eyes - Coded Message |
Did you have trouble with the printed code in our DFK Fun Pages?
Please note the correct code above to the printed code for the numbers 8 & 9!
Vaping or Juuling |
Using e-cigarettes is called vaping or juuling because vapours containing nicotine and other chemicals are inhaled.
It can be just as harmful as smoking cigarettes.
Dangerous chemicals can cause irritation to the lungs.
Some young people have died from a condition called "wet lung".
Wet lung occurs when matter breathed into the lungs triggers an immune response called "hypersensitivity".
This results in the lung tissue becoming inflamed - known as pneumonitis.
Bushfire Disaster Dot to Dot |
Making Friends Maze |
There is an alternate route shown in pink.
Last updated:
Wednesday, February 26, 2020